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That’s unfortunate. Don’t worry. There is a way out.
A double-track wage system. While offering promotion, we can introduce the double-trace wage system. What do you mean by double-track wage system. Let me explain it in this way. If the professionals who are not interested in management and do not aspire to become administrators. They will remain in their former job. To reward ck t-shirts  them, they will be offered the comparable sum of salary instead. Besides the double-track system, we may try performance-based incentive programs. Such as profit sharing or stock ownership. Take profit sharing as an example, it gives  our engineers opportunity to increase their earnings by improving product quality,  reducing operating cheap ck t-shirts costs and improving work methods and so on. In this way we can encourage greater levels of individual performance, stimulate them to think and feel more like partners in the companies and boost morale.
Besides, to reward engineers who complete projects on or before deadline dates, or meet professional licensing standards, ck t-shirts for sale or are granted patents, etc, we can still offer cash bonuses, paid holiday, and training abroad.
They can be effective. 

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To motivate senior executive, perquisites or special benefits are also important. Perquisites , such as the company car, mobile phone, first-class air travel, large insurance policies, country club membership, company-paid parking, chauffeur service, etc., diesel t-shirts can be used as a means of demonstrating the executives’ importance to the organization while giving them an incentive to improve their performance. Besides, perks serve as a status symbol inside and outside the company and provide a tax saving to the executives.
In addition, base salary, short-term incentives or bonus are also helpful in motivating senior executives. You company is going to carry  out an incentive  program to motivate  cheap diesel t-shirts professional employees. You have been asked to make recommendations about this.
You see, engineers in our company play an important role. Like other salaried workers, they also need to be motivated to perform to their full capacity. So we are going to carry our an incentive  program to motivate professional employees. wholesale diesel t-shirts Up to now many people suggest promotion. What’s your opinion?
Promotion is a traditional incentive and widely used to motivate professional employees. Normally when an engineer made a great achievement, he would be promoted to be a senior administrator.
But you know some problems may occur. diesel t-shirts for sale When taking an administrative assignment, the engineer can not longer fully concentrate on his professional field. In the process, the organization may lose a good engineer and gain a poor administrator.  

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I don’t think it is a good idea. Under a straight commission plan, earning of salespeople tend to fluctuate widely between good and poor periods of business, since the sales volume slumps in poor periods and rises dramatically in commercial season.
The most obvious advantage is the increase of production. Under straight piecework, employees tend to work harder and quicker for larger amount of products for they receive a certain rate for each unit produced. cheap Armani t-shirts
The shortcoming is that piecework incentive systems can work against an organizational culture promoting workforce cooperation, creativity, or problem solving, since each of the goals can infringe on an employee’s time and productivity, and, therefore, total incentive earned. Piecework incentive system will lead employees to pay more attention to quantity instead of quality of goods. Thus quality can not be guaranteed or even is sacrificed for quantity in the pursuit of more income. Armani t-shirts for sale
When motivating top executives, the offer of stock options is important. Stock options belong to the long-term incentive. With stock ownership, senior executives will have a significant stake in the success of the business. Their fortune will rise and fall wit the value they create for shareholders, thus linking their efforts to the long-term stock performance and motivating them to develop and use their abilities and contribute their energies to the fullest possible exent.

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There are many and various contributable factors such as financial benefits bonus, effective training, promising career, cozy working environment , paid holiday, profit-sharing plan, stock options, constant communication between the employer and the employee, flexible work hours, compliments and respect from the supervisor and so on. gucci t-shirts Because variable pay for employees is based entirely on a pay-for-performance philosophy. In order to qualify for variable pay, employees must reach a minimum level of performance and this brings pressure and stress to employees to work harder for the organizational performance and success. Unlike fixed forms of compensation, variable pay has motivating value. It can encourage employees to devote themselves to the organization development and also help recruit and retain competent employees.

Many organizations have implemented variable pay for a variety of reasons: high labor costs, cheap t-shits competitive product markets, slow technological advances, high potential for production bottlenecks and so on. It is a good idea to push salesperson by a straight commission plan. Commission provides maximum incentive, exerting sufficient effort in maximizing their sales volume. Besides it is easy to compute and understand.wholesale t-shirts
I don’t think it is a good idea. Under a straight commission plan, salespersons will just devote themselves to pushing sales, while neglecting customer services after sales. Besides salespersons are likely to be tempted to grant price concessions. 


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Like Greta Garbo, individuals with this career anchor just want to be along. They’re most satisfied operating according to their own rules and procedures, adidas adizero feather m they don’t want to be told what to do. Freedom rather than prestige is their goal. 
Employees with their career anchor value above all a predictable environment, one in which tasks and policies are clearly codified and defined. They identify strongly with their organization, whatever their level of responsibility.
The folks in this category want to create something of their own and run it. They are, in fact, obsessed with the need to create and will become easily bored if they feel thwarted. adidas adizero feather As you’d expect, someone with this career anchor tends to start her own business, or at the least run something on the side while still keeping her day job.
The need to focus work around a specific set of values is the major issue for employees with this career anchor. But that doesn’t just mean ial workers, say nurses. It can also include anyone from a human resources specialist interested in affirmative action programs to a researcher working on developing a new drug. adidas adizero Money isn’t the main event. It’s the chance to focus on a particular cause.
People with this career anchor seek ever-tougher challenges to conquer. These folks organize themselves around their private lives. Their most pressing concern is for their jobs to give them the freedom to balance those other concerns with their work. adidas adizero feather mens Once you understand what each anchor is, you can determine the career anchor for each employee in your department. In today’s uncertain and turbulent business climate, pinpointing employee’s career anchors is an especially useful tool because it allows you to do two crucial things. Tailor your communication style to fit employee’s ndividual needs and drive improved performance adidas adizero feather womens by choosing the most effective way to recognize and reward accomplishments. By identifying employees’ career anchors and communicating with them in a way that speaks to what’s most important to them, you can help employees find that meaning in their work-and boost your unit’s productivity, too. 

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Motivated employees are crucial to a company’s success-this has never been truer than today, when margins are thin and economic recovery remains elusive. adidas titan bounce mens These hard bottom-line realities may also mean that managers cannot rely as much as they might have in the past on using financial incentives to drive employee engagement. So how do you keep people motivated and productive one answer lies in the concept of the career anchor, adidas titan bounce 2012 first developed some thirty years ago by Edgar Schein of the masssachusettes Institue of technology. Schein says that people are primarily motivated by one of eight anchors-priorities that define how they see themselves and how they see their work.
The eight anchors:
Technical/functional competence. The key for a person with this career anchor is a desire to excel in a chosen line of work Money and promotions don’t matter as much as the opportunity to consistently hone his craft. While such professions as engineering and software design attract a lot of people with this particular bent, you can also find them just about anywhere, adidas titan bounce running shoes from the financial analyst excited by the chance to solve complicated investment problems to the teacher happy to continually fine-tune classroom performance. General managerial competence. Someone with this anchor is most closely allied with. She is the polar opposite of the person for whom technical/functional competence is preeminent. She wants to learn how to do many functions, synthesize information from multiple sources, supervise increasingly larger groups employees, and use her considerable interpersonal skills. What she craves is to climb the ladder, getting even-bigger promotions and salary increases.  

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By carrying out an effective, just and fair promotion policy with clear description of qualifications, experience, merits, personal qualities required. So when selecting a sales manager, we should make an investigation of related aspects of the candidates, mbt chapa gtx such as experience in communicating with people of various backgrounds and past performance, and their ability in expanding market and son on Besides, we should also make sure that our promotion decisions are based only on qualifications, demonstrated performance, and skill base of the applicant and not on race, sex, seniority or other irrelevant criteria. The existence of discrimination can undermine both the morale and productivity of its victims. mbt mens shoes It’s really crucial to eradicate all forms of discrimination in promotion when making a good and sound promotion decision.

Leadership cannot be neglected, since a sales manager should make sure that not only he himself but the whole department do a fabulous job. The large part of a manager’s job is about the supervising and the job is best done by people who know the ropes. Successful performance and at least demonstrate and substantiate some aspects of the candidate’s ability, such as communicative skills, sales experiences and so on. A well-educated and well-trained candidate is furnished with rich theory and knowledge.mbt chapa gtx mens  He can adapt himself easily to his new role. Ambition will push or encourage one to work harder and better and is necessary for great success. Without experience, it is impossible for him to direct his fellow colleagues. We just cannot afford the time to wait for the green hand to be experienced and mature in the line.

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There is a job opening for sales manager in your company. And it is decided that the opening should b e filed from within the company. You have been asked to make recommendations about the promotion policy. As you know, there is a job opening for sales manager in our company and it is decided that the opening should be filled from within the company. It is a sound decision, isn’t it? cheap mbt barabara You see, our company is a big and well-established corporation. There are abundant human resources we can make full use of. I completely agree with you, since external recruitment will entail more costs for orientation and training and it’s sometimes difficult to determine whether the efforts to locate promising talents are effective and cost-efficient.

Futhermore recruiting external candidates will discourage/undermine the morale and productivity of our employees, while promoting someone from within has motivational value. Promotion-from-within can serve as a reward for the sales staff with ability and  outstanding work performance and encourage them to continue their efforts. mbt shoes for sale Promotion-from-within contributes to both the career development of individual and the overall growth and success of our corporation. However, you know, as a coin has two sides, promotion-from-within, sometimes, can lead to internal conflict among employees. 


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Computer skills and the use of new technologies are very important. If your job does not require you to develop these skills, it is most important that you go out and learn them outside of your job. chanel handbag Then look for ways to use these new technologies and skills in y our present job.

When in the position of a manager, he will understand the importance of experience-sharing, cooperation and team spirit. With job responsibility and new role in mind, he will make improvement and adjustment as far as personality is concerned. Absolutely no. cheap chanel handbag A competent, self-centered candidate will make a terrific salesman but not a sales manager. Yes, especially for small organizations and newly-set-up corporations, since their internal human resources are limited. Even for established organizations, excessive reliance upon internal sources will lead to inbreeding of ideas and attitudes, thus creating the risk of ”employee cloning”.

A soldier who doesn’t wish to become a marshal/supreme commander isn’t a good soilder. Besides, promotion brings higher salary, sense of fulfillment more opportunity and more responsibility. It depends. You see I’m a technician. chanel handbag for sale If promotion is confined to the field of management, then I won’t accept it, because I am not interested in it and not good at management. I’d like to be an outstanding expert instead of a poor manager. 

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Be willing to take on more responsibility. Let the boss know you want to move up. As soon as you begin a new job, look for ways to learn new things. balenciaga handbag for sale Volunteer to help out in ways you feel will make you your valuable to the organization. And ask for advice about what  you can do to be more valuable to the organization.

In your first week on the job, ask your supervisor to see you for about thirty minutes of private time. When you have his or her attention, say what you want to be more valuable to the organization.  Ask what you can do to get a raise within a reasonable amount of time. Request special assignments to help develop your skills. balenciaga handbag on sale Before you leave, ask for a specific future date to go over your progress. Make sure you know what you have to do to get the raise . Ask the boss to give you feedback on your progress from time to time.

 Get as much training as possible! Take any training that is available from your employer. Even if it is not in your area of responsibility, it may help you gain new skills in other areas. Define what training you need to do your job better. If it is not available through your employer, explain to your supervisor how the training will help the organization. balenciaga handbag Ask for help in finding the best training source. Decide what you need to learn to get ahead or to get the job you want. Take evening classes. Instead of watching TV at home, read books and magazines on related subjects. Stay up with what is going on in your field. 

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If you want to get ahead in an organization, dress as if you work at the level you hope to reach next. This is not always possible., but at the very least be clean and presentable. Wear clothes that ift well and look good on you. balenciaga bag Copy the clothing styles of others in the organization who are successful. Even when your co-workers see you away form work, present the image you want for yourself at work.

Anther good tip is to get to work early each day. Use this time to list what you pla n to get done that day. At the end of the day, leave at least a few minutes after quitting time. Let the boss know that  you are willing to stay late to meet an important deadline. cheap balenciaga handbag If you do stay late, let the boss know. Some employers may not want you to work beyond your regular wages. If this is so, do what your employer wants you to do, but make it clear that you are willing to help in any way needed.

Go out of your way to find ways to enjoy your job. Tell other s what you like about it, particularly those you work with. Emphasize those parts of your job that  you like to do and do well. Share this enthusiasm even in conversations with  your friends. balenciaga handbag Go out of your way to tell your supervisor what you like about your job. This will help you focus on the parts of your job you do best and want to develop. It also will help others notice that you do those things well. 


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Our company are currently discussing about a formal orientation program for new staff. People’s opinions are various. Some are enthusiastically for it, others are violently against it, and still others stand between them. To get new emaplyees off to a good start, providing them formal orientation is necessary and important. Since formal orientation 2011 latest dior handbag will get them familiar with the organization, their work units and their jobs.
The more time and effort we spent in helping new emplyees, the more likely they are to indentify with our company and become valuable members of it. Precisely. Besides, a well-planned orientation program is effective in helping to retain and motivate employees.dior handbag on sale In addition to motivation, there are still many other benefits, like increasing productivity reducing the new employees’ anxiety, improving employee morale, etc. So it’s really worthy to put effort and time on the planning of the orientation. Firstly, it is essential to consider topics to be covered while planning.

We would introduce our company’s history, company’s purpose and strategic goals, a framework of job-related tasks, specific job goal and descriptions, appraisal criteria. cheap dior handbag Discussing responsibility can give the new members a clear idea of their future job and obligations, and can help them on the right track in on time. Effective methods ensures effective orientation. For instance, it would be a good idea for the supervisors or other managerial personel to arrange co-workers to welcome the newcomers and show them around the premises.

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When choosing a training program, it’s important to consider the training content. As we know, the purpose of training is to improve your knowledge, skills and abilities needed for high quality performance and optimum contributions to the goals and objectives of your organization, cheap chanel handbag so whether the subjects covered is targeted at your KSAS of your job and whether the content is avove  your level are crucial. Otherwise it would be a waste of time and money.

In addition to content, trainers’ qualification and status are important. To make a training course effective, trainers play an important role. replica chanel handbag Qualification and status can at least prove that trainers’ KSA are of higher level, if not profound level, while trainers’ experience can guarantee effective training techniques and strategies, thus ensuring interesting, responsive and quality training.

Besides, location of training can not be overlooked. chanel handbag for sale Place of interest is preferable. Experts, together with beautiful scenery, make the training more attractive to trainees. Every one would agree that it is a good idea to kill two birds with one stone.

Length of training can not be ignored either, training shouldn’t last too long or too short. Lengthy training will be boring and tiring, while too short training inadequate.