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By carrying out an effective, just and fair promotion policy with clear description of qualifications, experience, merits, personal qualities required. So when selecting a sales manager, we should make an investigation of related aspects of the candidates, mbt chapa gtx such as experience in communicating with people of various backgrounds and past performance, and their ability in expanding market and son on Besides, we should also make sure that our promotion decisions are based only on qualifications, demonstrated performance, and skill base of the applicant and not on race, sex, seniority or other irrelevant criteria. The existence of discrimination can undermine both the morale and productivity of its victims. mbt mens shoes It’s really crucial to eradicate all forms of discrimination in promotion when making a good and sound promotion decision.

Leadership cannot be neglected, since a sales manager should make sure that not only he himself but the whole department do a fabulous job. The large part of a manager’s job is about the supervising and the job is best done by people who know the ropes. Successful performance and at least demonstrate and substantiate some aspects of the candidate’s ability, such as communicative skills, sales experiences and so on. A well-educated and well-trained candidate is furnished with rich theory and knowledge.mbt chapa gtx mens  He can adapt himself easily to his new role. Ambition will push or encourage one to work harder and better and is necessary for great success. Without experience, it is impossible for him to direct his fellow colleagues. We just cannot afford the time to wait for the green hand to be experienced and mature in the line.

