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I don’t think it is a good idea. Under a straight commission plan, earning of salespeople tend to fluctuate widely between good and poor periods of business, since the sales volume slumps in poor periods and rises dramatically in commercial season.
The most obvious advantage is the increase of production. Under straight piecework, employees tend to work harder and quicker for larger amount of products for they receive a certain rate for each unit produced. cheap Armani t-shirts
The shortcoming is that piecework incentive systems can work against an organizational culture promoting workforce cooperation, creativity, or problem solving, since each of the goals can infringe on an employee’s time and productivity, and, therefore, total incentive earned. Piecework incentive system will lead employees to pay more attention to quantity instead of quality of goods. Thus quality can not be guaranteed or even is sacrificed for quantity in the pursuit of more income. Armani t-shirts for sale
When motivating top executives, the offer of stock options is important. Stock options belong to the long-term incentive. With stock ownership, senior executives will have a significant stake in the success of the business. Their fortune will rise and fall wit the value they create for shareholders, thus linking their efforts to the long-term stock performance and motivating them to develop and use their abilities and contribute their energies to the fullest possible exent.

