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Competence: Does the team feel that its member have the knowledge, skill and capability to address the issues for which the team was formed
Charter: Has the team taken its assigned area of responsibility and designed its own mission, vision and strategies to accomplish the mission?
Control: Do team member hold each other accountable for project timelines, commitment, and results?
Collaboration: adidas titan bounce womens running shoes Do team members cooperate to accomplish the team charter?
Communication: Do team members communicate clearly and honestly with each other?
Creative Innovation Does the team value creative thinking, unique solutions, and new ideas?
Consequences: Is the organization designing reward systems that recognize both team and individual performance?
Coordination: Are team coordinated by a central leadership that assists the groups to obtain what they need for success?
Cultural change: 2011 adidas titan  Does the organization recognize that the more it can change its climate to support teams, the more it will receive in pay back from the work of the teams?
Spend time and attention on each of these twelve tips to ensure your work teams contribute more effectively to your business success. 

