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That’s really a good idea, and the piece of fruit should be chopped into bits. In this way, it will certainly prevent risks for choking injury and death. I always believe that food producers could save the lives of dozens of kids each year by turning our safer products. womens nfl jersey And I think the packing also needs to be improved. Our gel candy is packed in a small, soft plastic cup, but the size of the gel is a bit too small, the kids can just readily swallow it. We should make it bigger, so that it will take a few bits to eat it up. Or the parents can cut it up for small kids.

The issue of ethics in the workplace is of vital importance. In today’s competitive market, any company without a coherent ethics policy cannot possibly survive, they would certainly lose their competitive advantage to their rivals. The issue of ethics should be put into company development parogrammes for all employees, form the shop floor to the boardroom. cheap womens nfl jersey Companies need to offer training courses, lectures, case analysis to make sure that all staff act in compliance with the highest standards. Integrity will surely create wealth. If you act with integrity in business, you can enjoy good reputation and a good public image. That would keep good people in your employ, and keep customers coming back for your products or services. 

