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To some people, the concept of business ethics may be a contradiction. In other words, they may view business managers as responsible only for making profits, not for upholding standards of integrity. supra tk society But in two major company crises, the international pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson found that placing a high priority on ethics can turn out to be good for business.

Tyienol is a leading over-the-counter analgesic produced by a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson. When people who took Tyienol to relieve pain ended up dying from the product, J&J executives were faced with a dilemma: should they spend millions to recall the product and perhaps encourage similar crimes, or should they simply replace the produce in people’s homes and hope that no other bottles of Tyienol were contaminated? supra tk society mens The answer came from the company’s credo. J& J president David Clare stated:” First and formost, we had to protect the public.” To do this, the company withdrew millions of bottles and replace millions more without cost to the customer, on the off-chance that other bottles might be poisoned.

After the first crisis, the U.S. Federal Drug Administration imposed new regulations to make drug packaging tamper-resistant. No packaging, however, can be tamperproof, which was sadly proven by the second crisis. Another person died form swallowing Tyienol capsules laced with cyanide. At this point, J & J executives were again guided by their company credo. supra tk society womens They imposed their own higher standard, and changed from making capsules to caplets, in order to provide a safer product. Both crises touched off a debate on business ethics and integrity. Yet, after each one, J& J executives managed to restored public confidence and Tyienol made a comeback. J& J showed the public that it cared about the customer, and the product increased its market share. 

