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I like working in a team, as the proverb goes: “Two heads are better than one”. In a team, I can learn from my fellow workers, get help from them when I’m under pressure. And the most important thing is: I can learn to communicate with all sorts of people. adidas devotion pb I prefer to work on my own. In a team, you often have to give up some individuality in order for the team to function as a whole. It doesn’t allow you to have independent thinking. And as group decision-making usually takes longer time, working in a team is not necessarily efficient. Its very important. You need someone with managerial skills to lead within the team: He is able to see the big picture of the work going on, to engage others, coordinate interpersonal relationship and organize resources effectively.adidas pb shoes I prefer to work in a small team.  A small team is more closely knit, members know each other well and can cooperate with each other more effectively. I prefer to work in a big team. You see, when you work with more people, you get a chance to listen to different points of view, to learn to see thing in different perspectives. It’s also more challenging as you have to coordinate with more people.
Yes, I think it’s absolutely necessary. Regular meetings can enable team members to keep track of work progress and it’s a means adidas devotion pb for sale of considering information and making collective decisions.
No, I think having meetings regularly is somewhat like a matter of routine. It’s time-consuming and meetings should take place only when necessary. 

