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Its very important for a company to monitor the quality of service. If customers are not satisfied with the company's  services, then the company will lose customers. I think one way of monitoring the quality of services is to obtain feedback from customers to see how the business Nike air max 2011 has met customers expectation.

We should know where our company has fallen short in providing value for customers We can visit our customers, call them, send out written questionnaires and set up a hot line for customers to air their opinion about our services.
Our company would like to design a new Company celebration programme to facilitate both internal and external communications. You have been asked to help draft the programme. You see, we need to help work out a celebration programme nike air max for our company. I think it's very important to make a detailed plan about what events to be celebrated. Successful cooperate rituals and celebrations are important ways of corporate communications. They help to bond people together and connect people to shared values and vision. So a well designed corporate celebration pragramme will benefit a company greatly.Yes. But as there is a wide variety of situations that we can celebrate , nike air max womens we have to focus on the most worthy ones. In my opinion, we can keep the cyclical celebrations, as they are more fixed, I mean, they come every year, like company anniversaries, Christmas, new year's days, etc. Celebrations of this kind help to relieve work pressure. 

