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There were two over-3-day injuries in our office last year: Tom got his fingers broken when he slammed his fingers in the files drawer and jane bumped her head over the edge of a filing cabinet and got a few stitches. It’s really tie we reconsidered our safety precautions.

We need to make a checklist of unsafe conditions in the office. adidas adizero f50 They might cause further injuries in our office. For example, our computer cables and telephone codes sprawl on the floor, and if anyone strips over them, they are likely to sprain ankles and backs or even worse, break their legs. And the wiring all clutter up on desks, that might spill cups of hot coffee or tea, someone may get burned.  It’s dangerous to stack reams of Xerox paper onto the filing cabinet, in case they fall, people nearby will be hurt. adidas adizero f50 running shoes I have also noticed that some of our electrical cords are already frayed or cracked, it’s most dangerous. Safety is our first priority, We should take measures immediately to eliminate these hazards. The first thing to do is to replace all frayed electrical cords, all electrical and telephone cords running into walk areas must be taped down or inserted through rubber protectors to prevent tripping hazards. 

