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The former personnel manger resigned two weeks ago, we just cannot manage without a personnel manager. To fill the vacancy, we are gong to advertise the post. Nowadays advertising is one of the most common methods of attracting applicants. When advertising a job opening, the choice of publication is important. ugg 8686 When choosing a publication we should consider its readers. We should make sure whether it is directed to a wide range of readers or just to a particular group. Besides, it’s also important to consider advertising fee. The advertising cost should be reasonable and affordable, somewhere around the company’s budget. ugg fox fur boots So, in our case, we should choose a local publication instead of a national one. As a commercial and culture center, we have a lot of talents here. What do you think of an influential local newspaper?

It’s undoubtedly an ideal chice. Newspaper advertising is the cheapest way of reaching large numbers of readers of various backgrounds, including the general public, our potential job applicants and clients.
Besides, as an influential newspaper, its advertising staff’s ability and creativity can be guaranteed. Then the money we invest will surely pay off. cheap ugg fox fur boots It’s important to insure that our advertisement effort is cost-effective. To recruit the right person, we should also consider the contents of advertisement. In my opinion, Besides the back information as time, place and contact address, the description of applicants qualification and the specifications of the opening should be included., because it can cut dnow the number of applicants, attract the desirable ones and thus reduce staff turnover.
To attract ideal applicants, ugg fox fur boots for sale it’s also necessary for our job advertisement to show the responsiveness of our company to the job and career needs of the applicants. Exactly. Besides, this is also a chance to publicise the image of our company. To publicise our company, the advertisement should be well-designed and cover general information of our company.

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I prefer the panel interview, because decision made by there to five interviewers can avoid bias and discrimination and thus be more reliable and acceptable. In addition, the panel interview can be more efficient by shortening decision time.converse jack purcell I prefer the traditional one-to-one interview, especially for small companies, because it can reduce recruiting costs. In my opinion the number of interviewers isn’t as important as the capability, personality and experience of an interviewer.

When selecting an employment interviewer, personal qualities are important, which can ensure his/her decision sound and fair. Qualities desirable include humility, they ability to think objectively and poise. For example, to think objectively can prevent extreme opinions and biases, thus avoiding employment discrimination.
In addition to qualities, interviewing skills, such as the skill to raise questions, is also important. For instance, questions concerning marital/ family status are generally recognized as inappropriate. But there are some cases when you have to get some information of the applicant’s marital/family status , so with the necessary skill, you can ask in this way-wha is the name, converse jack purcell skate shoes address and telephone number of a person we may contact in case of an emergency. This question is perfectly legal and appropriate.

In addition, experience in associating with people from various backgrounds is also important because the workforce of a company is varied and diverse. Training, of cause, can not be neglected.

You company is going to fill the job vacancy of personnel manager by advertising. You have been asked to make recommendations. Discuss the situation togther. 

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Promotion-from-within has some motivational value. It is a kind of reward for employees for their past performance and will encourage them to continue their efforts and also give other employees anticipation of promotion for similar efforts. converse all star mens skate shoes This can improve morale within the organization.
Transfer can serve to protect to protect employees from layoff, or broaden their job experience. Furthermore the transferred employees’ familiarity with the organization and its operation can reduce the orientation and training costs.
It is a new and modern souce of recruitment and is becoming popular. Undoubtedly, Internet recruiting is of low cost and wide coverage, which can reach a large audience of possible applicants and is very convenient.
In present situation, online recruiting will keep some qualified applicants of low income families outdoors and isn’t appropriate for recruiting employees for jobs of low position.
An astounding sharing of Fortune 500 companies hire executives form outside when replacing their CEOs, and prove to be contributable to the companies’ overall growth and success.
It is essential for revitalizing the organizations.converse all star womens skate shoes Applicants hired form the outside can be a source of new ideas and may bring along with them the latest knowledge acquired from their previous employment. Excessive reliance upon external sources will deprive present jobholders of career anticipation, thus discouraging them from working harder for the companies. External recruitment will entail more costs for orientation and training. And it’s sometimes difficult to determine whether the organizations’ efforts to locate promising talents are effective and cost-efficient. 

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Be Known as a Great Employer
Pfau and Kay make a strong case for not just being a great employer, but letting people know you are a great employer. Take a look at your employee practices for retention, motivation, accountability, reward, recognition, flexibility in work-life balance, promotion, and involvement. converse all star These are your key areas for becoming an employer of chice. You want your employees bragging that your organization is a great place to work. People will believe them before they believe the corporate literature.
Involve Your Employees in the Hiring Process

You have these opportunities to involve your employees in the hiring process. They can recommend excellent candidates to your firm. They can assist you to review resumes and qualifications of potential candidates. They can help you interview people to assess potential employees are underutilizing one of their most important asset. converse all star shoes People who participate in the selection process are committed to helping the new employee succeed. It can’t get any better than that for you and the new employee.
Pay better than Your competitor
Yes. You get what you pay for in the job market. Survey your local job market and take a hard look at the compensation people in your industry attract. You want to pay better than the average to attract and keep the best candidates. Seems obvious. I listen to employers every day who talk about how to get employees cheaply. It’s a bag practice. converse all star for sale Did I say. “you get what you pay for in the job market?” sure, you can luch out and attract a person who has golden handcuffs because they are following their spouse to a new community or need your benefits. But, they will resent their pay scale, feel unappreciated, and leave you for their first good offer. I have seen employee-replacement costs that range from two to three times the person’s salary. Did I say that you get what you are willing to pay for in the job market. 


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Companies that select new staff members from the candidates who walk in your door or answer an ad in the paper or online are missing the best candidates. They’re usually working for someone else and they may not even be looking for a new position. Invest time in developing relationships with university placement offices, recruiters and executive search firms. supra tk society Enable current staff members to actively participate in industry professional associations and conferences where they are likely to meet candidates you may successfully woo. Watch the online job boards for potential candidates who may have resumes online even if they are not currently looking. Use professional web sits and magazines to advertise for professional staff. The key is to build your candidate pool before you need it.

Bruce N. Pfau and Ira T.kay, authors of The Human Capital Edge, are convinced that you should hire a person who has done this “exact job, in this exact industry, in this particular business climate , from a company with a very similar culture.” supra tk society mens They believe that” past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior  and suggest that this is the strategy that will enable you to hire winners. They say that you must hire the candidate whom you believe can hit the ground running I n the your company. ” You can’t afford the time to train a possibly successful candidates.

Look first at In-house Candidates
Providing promotional and lateral opportunities for current employees positively boosts morale and makes your current staff members feel their talents, capabilities and accomplishments are appreciated. Always post positions internally first. Give Potentia supra tk society womens l candidates an interview. It’s a chance for you to know them better. They learn more about the goals and needs of the organization. Sometimes, a good fit is found between your needs and theirs.

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Companies should not just seek profit only, they also have social obligations, or what is called corporate Social Responsibility. They should be concerned with the well-being of the society, they are responsible for environmental protection and upholding the principle of integrity. wholesale womens nfl jersey I don’t think business and ethics clash. Indeed, good ethics means good management. If companies ignore moral concerns, violate laws, or act unethically, they cannot possibly survive, let alone making any profits.

Finding the best possible people who can fit within your culture and contribute within your organization is a challenge and an opportunity. Keeping the best people, nfl jersey womens once you find them, is easy if you do the right thing right. These special features will help you recruit and retain all the talents you need. Here are six tips for better recruiting.

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That’s really a good idea, and the piece of fruit should be chopped into bits. In this way, it will certainly prevent risks for choking injury and death. I always believe that food producers could save the lives of dozens of kids each year by turning our safer products. womens nfl jersey And I think the packing also needs to be improved. Our gel candy is packed in a small, soft plastic cup, but the size of the gel is a bit too small, the kids can just readily swallow it. We should make it bigger, so that it will take a few bits to eat it up. Or the parents can cut it up for small kids.

The issue of ethics in the workplace is of vital importance. In today’s competitive market, any company without a coherent ethics policy cannot possibly survive, they would certainly lose their competitive advantage to their rivals. The issue of ethics should be put into company development parogrammes for all employees, form the shop floor to the boardroom. cheap womens nfl jersey Companies need to offer training courses, lectures, case analysis to make sure that all staff act in compliance with the highest standards. Integrity will surely create wealth. If you act with integrity in business, you can enjoy good reputation and a good public image. That would keep good people in your employ, and keep customers coming back for your products or services. 


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Business activities can have environmental impacts. Companies have the social responsibility to protect the environment. We should also see if companies have tried their best tro mitigating their own environmental impacts, for instance, to see if they have tried their best to minimize waste in their operations and efficient management of resources. nike free run+ 2
Besides these, it’s also important to examine if the company has conducted their business with integrity and in compliance with applicable laws and regulatory requirements.

The confectionary your work for is not facing a serious safety crisis: a small kid was choked on the get candies you have marketed to children.. You have been asked to help solve the problem. Discuss the situation together.

I am most sorry to hear the a five-year-old girl was chocked yesterday on our gel candy. Thank goodness she didn’t die. The chocking hazard hit the headlines, and everybody is talking about that. We should do something immediately. I am quite with you. First of all, we should go visit the girl, offer compensation to her parents, and of course, bring some gifts to that poor girl. We should stop selling the candies immediately, I mean, to recall all the products from the market to prevent possible tragedies.nike free run+ 2 mens We should also warn people and ask them to get ride of the product, particularly those small grocery stores that may stock the candies. You are right. It’s really time we re-examine the safety of our product. You see, the candy that the girl choked on is our new product, the sweet get that comes with a piece of fruit inside a shell of jelly. We should add choking safety notices on the labels of our products just to warn parents of choking dangers. It doesn’t help much I am afraid. nike free run+ 2 womens As a manufacturer, we’re entirely responsible for that accident, we should seek to improver products. You know, the gel in the candy doesn’t readily dissolve, so it’s not safe for young children. We should place the gel with some other ingredients.
That’s really a good idea, and the piece of fruit should be chopped into bits,

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Companies should follow moral principles when they conduct business, because their decisions can affect society, and they have responsibility to their customers, employees, stockholders and creditors, etc. nike free 3.0 mens running shoes So operating in an ethical manner is essential to company success. It is essential that every company should establish a specific code of business ethics and responsibilities that set guidelines for business activities. All employees must keep that in mind and constantly apply it to the performance of all activities for the company. Company should apply the highest standards of integrity to everything they do. You see, without integrity, a company cannot possibly gain the trust of customers, clients and the public, as a result, it will certainly fail to survive in the highly competitive age. nike free 3.0 womens running shoesMajor unethical behavior in business include fraud, tax-avoidance cheating, lying and corrupt practices like offering and taking bribery, secret commissions, insider trading, etc. These things erode the principle of integrity that lies at the heart of our business organizations.

Measuring company performance is not just a case of looking at turnover, profits and dividends. We should also evaluate it in terms of its business ethics. Code of ethics is the core of company culture and is an important tool for companies striving for log-term prospects and growth. You see, ethical behaviors pays off in financial returns. 


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To some people, the concept of business ethics may be a contradiction. In other words, they may view business managers as responsible only for making profits, not for upholding standards of integrity. supra tk society But in two major company crises, the international pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson found that placing a high priority on ethics can turn out to be good for business.

Tyienol is a leading over-the-counter analgesic produced by a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson. When people who took Tyienol to relieve pain ended up dying from the product, J&J executives were faced with a dilemma: should they spend millions to recall the product and perhaps encourage similar crimes, or should they simply replace the produce in people’s homes and hope that no other bottles of Tyienol were contaminated? supra tk society mens The answer came from the company’s credo. J& J president David Clare stated:” First and formost, we had to protect the public.” To do this, the company withdrew millions of bottles and replace millions more without cost to the customer, on the off-chance that other bottles might be poisoned.

After the first crisis, the U.S. Federal Drug Administration imposed new regulations to make drug packaging tamper-resistant. No packaging, however, can be tamperproof, which was sadly proven by the second crisis. Another person died form swallowing Tyienol capsules laced with cyanide. At this point, J & J executives were again guided by their company credo. supra tk society womens They imposed their own higher standard, and changed from making capsules to caplets, in order to provide a safer product. Both crises touched off a debate on business ethics and integrity. Yet, after each one, J& J executives managed to restored public confidence and Tyienol made a comeback. J& J showed the public that it cared about the customer, and the product increased its market share. 

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Cultural training courses can help employees find out differences among people, including cultural, historical, language, laws and social values. Understanding differences can enhance mutual trust. It’s important in promoting business abroad. If companies are sensitive to cultural differences and can anticipate cultural barriers in international business, supra dixon they would be more prepared for any possible difficulties and would certainly become globally competent. I think it will. As a matter of fact, more and more multinational companies use English as their official corporate language nowadays. English has become an international language. Learning a foreign language enables people to be more open-minded, to see things in the perspectives of other people. And that would enhance cultural exchange and promote mutual understanding. Companies can offer cultural training supra shoes for sale courses or foreign language courses to their employees. Or they can also design some exchange programmes, or relocate some of their employees to work abroad.  

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Certainly. We should focus our training programme on promoting the global mindset, being open-minded and tolerant of a different culture is the most important thing. We should include training items on thought patterns, buyer-seller relationships, shopping habits, etc. Of course, logistics system can not calsh with the culture of the target market and respect for the native culture is extremely important. So we also need to consider cultural taboos. supra bullet For example, in countries like Japan and China, customers don’t like goods packed in four together, as four is regarded as an unlucky number. You are right. Different shopping habits should also be included in our training programme. In some countries, people rely on public transportation, so goods must come in small packages that can be easily carried on the bus. But in some countries where people rely on personal automobiles, supra shoes for sale goods in large packages are more attractive.
Besides that, we should also acquaint our logistics professionals with differences in language, laws and social customs. 

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Logistics is about managing the flow of material and the flow of information. Decisions cannot be made without having appropriate information. And information is also important in tracking product flow through the logistics pipelines. So designing and implementing information system to support the logistics network is critical.
To ensure logistics success, you also need to consider other factor like order-processing, supra bandit mens shoes warehouse management, inventory and material management, procurement, transportation, etc.

The company you work for is relocating some logistics managers abroad and is designing a training course for them on cultural issues in logistics. You have been asked to advise on this training course.

When doing business internationally, it’s very easy to take a misstep is you don’t understand the culture of the target market. Cultural differences can add layers of challenges to global logistics and supply chain management. If companies aim to become competent globally, they have to take cultural differences into consideration. supra bandit mens Logistics managers must understand the cultural make-up of the customers that comprise the market. Cultural differences have impact on different areas of logistics. For example, people from different cultural backgrounds have different working styles, and in going global, you need to learn their ways of looking at things and their ways of interpreting business relationships. supra bandit Understanding the needs of customer s in each market is essential in logistics success. But we can’t just throw our logistics experts into another country without training them. You see, no matter how smart they are, they will make all sorts of mistakes unless they become sensitive to cultural difference. 

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Logistics aims to improve the efficiency of materials management and physical distribution, and deals with customer satisfaction. So it is a concept valuable to any firm regardless of size. Managers of global organizations are faced with the challenge to expand their markets beyond their home borders. puma future cat Naturally, logistics becomes even more critical to the firm’s success globally than it is domestically. To improve their operational efficiency they have to understand logistics.

Companies can regularly conduct customer satisfaction surveys to get necessary feedback on their services, so that they know the needs and expectations of their customers. puma idcell And they can also implement a system to monitor the performance of their employees and reward outstanding performers to maintain high level customer services.

Yes, I think I’m the right person to be a front-line service employee. First of all, I like to take challenging job, I mean, to communicate face to face with customers is a rather challenging  one. And secondly, I am a very active yet patient person, puma running shoes good at interacting with people. Finally, by working front-line, I am able to influence the decisions of our customers. I am afraid working in customer services really does not quite suit me. You see, I am not a very outgoing person and am not quite good ate interacting with people. Besides, I am not very good at expressing myself. Sometimes, I find it difficult to put my ideas across. Customer service is actually where supply chain management or logistics starts. puma speed cat Customer service sets the specification for logistics system design. Because next to product quality, customer service is another important factor why customers decide to do business with you. You have to know exactly the needs and the expectations of your customers, so that you can design the logistics system necessary to deliver the required level of service. 

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At its heart, logistics deals with satisfying the customers. This implies that management must first understand what those requirements are before a logistics strategy can be developed and implemented to meet them. Customers service is the most important output of an organization’s logistics systems.

In a more practical sense, logistics refers to the systematic management of the various activities required to move benefits from their point of production to the customer. reebok zigtech womens running shoes Often these benefits are in the form of a tangible product that must be manufactured and moved to the user, sometimes these benefits are intangible and are known as services. They too must be produced and made available to the final customer. But logistics encompasses much more than just the transport of the gods. The concept of benefits is a multifaceted one that goes beyond the product ordervice itself to include issues regarding timing, quantity, supporting services, location and cost. reebok zigtech So a basic definition of logistics is the continuous process of meeting customer needs by ensuring the availability of the right benefits for the right customer, in the quantity and condition desired by that customer, at the time and place the customer wants then, all for a price the buyer is willing to pay. These concepts apply equally well to for profit industries and non-profit organizations.

However, logistics can mean different things to different organizations. Some firms are more concerned with producing the benefits: their management focus is on the flow of raw materials in to the production process rather than on delivering the final goods to the user. Some companies are much more concerned with the flow of finished goods from the end of the production line to the customers. womens reebok zigtech Logistics in this situation is sometimes referred to as physical distribution Finally, some firms view logistics as embracing both material management and physical distribution. This broader view of logistics integrates materials management and physical distribution tasks into a single supply chain that links the customers with all aspects of the firm, sometimes it is referred to as supply chain management. 


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Wiring on the desks should be arranged neatly. And we should allocate special space for Xerox paper instead of stacking them high on the filing cabinet. For reaching high shelves, there should be a stable step stool with a handrail to grasp. Carpets in the office should be tacked down and slip-resistant, particularly in wet weather, to prevent any slipping or tripping accidents.  adidas cc ride You see we have to walk through a dark area before we reach the switch, so we should reinstall the switch to prevent tripping accident, and we should make sure that our work areas are well lighted. We also need to improve the ventilation in our office to help prevent headaches, smells, sore throats, stuffiness and dustiness. And at least one smoke detector should be properly installed in the office. You are right. adidas cc ride running shoes A working fire extinguisher should be available to handle small fires, and all staff members should know how to use it. Finally, we must entrust a manager with safety responsibilities and conduct safety inspections regularly.

People will become more productive and efficient in pleasant work environment, and good working conditions will help to bring out individual creativity. The advantages include better working conditions, more spacious and pleasant environment. The disadvantages are: you are not used to the new environment and the newly furnished office might be toxic and harmful to health.
Of course. I think a spacious office is conductive to having fun in the work while the employees become more productive and maintain quality and effectiveness of work. adidas climacool  running shoes Companies should offer training programes and accidents prevention instructions. In the future, I think all office equipment will be digitalized and work efficiency will be further improved. Or perhaps staff members can make better use of the Internet and work at home, I think home offices will be popular.

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There were two over-3-day injuries in our office last year: Tom got his fingers broken when he slammed his fingers in the files drawer and jane bumped her head over the edge of a filing cabinet and got a few stitches. It’s really tie we reconsidered our safety precautions.

We need to make a checklist of unsafe conditions in the office. adidas adizero f50 They might cause further injuries in our office. For example, our computer cables and telephone codes sprawl on the floor, and if anyone strips over them, they are likely to sprain ankles and backs or even worse, break their legs. And the wiring all clutter up on desks, that might spill cups of hot coffee or tea, someone may get burned.  It’s dangerous to stack reams of Xerox paper onto the filing cabinet, in case they fall, people nearby will be hurt. adidas adizero f50 running shoes I have also noticed that some of our electrical cords are already frayed or cracked, it’s most dangerous. Safety is our first priority, We should take measures immediately to eliminate these hazards. The first thing to do is to replace all frayed electrical cords, all electrical and telephone cords running into walk areas must be taped down or inserted through rubber protectors to prevent tripping hazards. 

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Firstly of all, we have to consider spatial design when setting up office We should establish primary and secondary work areas for paper work, computer activities and accessible file systems, and allocate space for storage of surplus office supplies. adidas jeremy scott 2.0  Make the best use of space and respect the privacy of our staff members.

Lighting is also critical. We should consider how much lighting and what type of lighting is need to work more efficiently and effectively. Besides natural light, we also need to provide ambient light overhead and task light on work stations, as you see, defective illumination reduces work efficiency.

On top of that, when we’re constructing the layout of our office, it’s also important to consider health and safety, adidsa js wings 2.0 calculate future growth and space needs, and apply ergonomics to adapt work or working conditions to suit your staff.

Two accidents happened in your office in the past year that resulted in bodily injuries to some staff members. You line manager is revising health and safety precautions to eliminate the causes of office injuries. You have been asked to make suggestions. 


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Companies should seek to create appealing working environment, so that employees will look forward to coming to work each day. And a business-casual professional environment enables employees to be more productive.
Accidents can happen in the workplace and cause injuries to the employees. So companies have health and safety obligations and should nike high heels take precautions to provide a safe work environment for their employees.
I think the most important thing to consider is to ensure worker comfort, as as to minimize the drudgery of work and increase productivity.
I think cost is the first thing to consider, particularly for small companies. Purchasing office appliances will cost them a great fortune. They really need to compare prices before they buy.
The speed of technological nike dunk sb high heels change is faster than ever, office equipment like copier, fax machines become out of date soon. So I think it’s better to rent office equipment rather than buying them. What’s more, you get the service contract when you rent equipment.
Companies have to buy basic, durable equipment that will last for years, such as desks, chairs, phones, etc. But they don’t need to buy every piece of nike dunk high heels equipment, they can rent expensive, high-tech equipment that will soon become obsolete, for example computers, printers, fax machines, etc. 

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Work is an important determinant of health. It can influence health positively or negatively. We are now focusing on the adverse effects of work on health, although the positive effects of appropriate work on health and well-being are no less important.

Every year, about 10 million of the 150 million workers in the European Community are affected by incidents, “accidents” or diseases at work. nike air presto Direct compensation costs are estimated at 20 billion ECU per year.
According to UK official statistics, every year about 2 000 lives are lost through occupational disease or injury, about 2000 major industrial occur(e.g. skull fracture, loss of sight) and there are about 200000 injuries resulting in a work disability of 3 days or more. These figures are gross underestimates of the true incidence of occupational ill-health. Thus for example nike air presto womens the true figure of occupational cancer deaths alone in the U.K. may be to the order of 5 000 per year. While only about 300 workers receive disablement benefit for industrial dermatitis every year. There may be between 15 000 and 60 000 new cases of this condition every year.
Extrapolation air presto from the UK Labour Force Survey suggests that in a year at least more million people believed they had ill health caused by work and a further million believed they had ill health made work by work.

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My favourite sport is table tennis. It’s a moderate exercise, but it requires great skills both tactical and technical. You have to have speed, stamina, dexterity, shrewdness and quickness in decision-making. It’s the most popular sports games in China I think. nba jerseys Of all sports games, I like football most. It requires a great amount of skill combined with athletic ability, strength and creativity. It also requires accurate and quick decision-making.

Companies can provide childcare facilities , eldercare facilities or transportation facilities to help employees cope with these responsibilities, in this way employees don’t have to worry to much about these things, so they can take things easy. It’s very important. You see, if they have more time outside work, they can relax, do physical exercises, cheap nba jerseys take up hobbies, travel, etc. They will feel less stressed and happier both at work and at home. Companies can introduce flexible working, or flexitime or homeworking too that there’s less conflict between work and home life. Certainly. If you can manage your time well, you can work more efficiently, and find more time to refresh yourself and you can retain a healthy balance between work and life. It’s highly rewarding. It will benefit both wholesale nba jerseys the company and the employees. It helps employees to live a happier life and it also helps to boots their morale and enhance employees commitment to the company. 

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Sometimes I am really overwhelmed with the heavy workload and fell tired and fatigued. As a secretary in the company, I have so much paperwork to do and often have to rush to meet tight deadlines. And I never seem to have time to take a holiday. discounted nhl jerseys I don’t feel overworked though I have a heavy workload. As a salesman, I enjoy my work and feel happy every time I locate a contract. I always take time to relax myself: doing jogging regularly, going fishing at weekends. So I feel quite refreshed when I go back to my work.

When they are under the burden of a heavy workload, employees will often feel frustrated or depressed. This would result in stress-related illnesses, such as high blood pressure and fatigue. Employees will be in very low morale and give very poor cheap nhl jerseys performance in their work. If they are overworked, employees will be susceptible to stress-related illnesses such as high blood pressure, ulcers, fatigue, etc. They will be in very bad mood and low spirits and fail to meet their job requirements. I think it’s wis for companies to provide sports facilities for their staff. Employees can make the best use of these facilities to keep fit, so they can have better performance in their work. It’s very rewarding. If all employees have easy access to sports facilities, both the staff and company will benefit.wholesale nhl jerseys Sports activities not only enable employees to keep fit, but also generate team spirit and it’s a great way to create a sense of common goal among staff.

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Keeping costs under control and overheads down is a priority for all organizations, because overheads costs are directly related to the company’s profitability and welfare of the staff members. Cutting investment to reduce costs is a short-term measure. cheap mlb jerseys In the long run, it is unfavorable to company development, as limited scale and productivity weakens a company’s competitive edge. It all depends. If  your business diversifies too much, you might as well cut some of your investment and just focus on some areas. In that way, you will be able to reduce overheads. If you set a very low limit on telephone bills, employees might fail to maintain regular contact with their clients or customers for fear of over-expenses. wholesale mlb jerseys I think the manager is responsible for budgeting overheads and carefully tracking the costs, minimizing expenditures at all time. He should also see to it that staff member abide by the rules as required.

Companies can make use of the Internet, conducting routine office work through digital media. We can convert every single paper process into a digital one the so called “paperless office”. It lowers overheads very effectively.

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To keep office expenses down, we can start from office stationery. Items like pens, paper, paper clips and pencils do not cost a lot individually, but we use them in large quantity, so there is potential for huge savings. I’m with you here. There is a great difference in price between the name-brand and generic brand stationary, so if we look for cheaper sources, we’ll end up saving hundreds of pounds a year. NFL jerseys Cheaper sources are important, we can get much cheaper prices on office supplies through group purchasing. If we pool our orders with other businesses, we can buy in large quantity and receive lower bulk prices. Indeed. We can also use mail-order. cheap NFL jerseys Mail-order office supply companies are convenient because they deliver to your door, and it saves both gas and time. We should also encourage staff to recycle sued paper, and ask our staff to edit on the screen as much as possible, print one final rough draft to proofread on paper. That’s a very effective way to reduce paper consumption.

And buying used office furniture is also an important way of cutting overheads. But to motivate our staff members, there should be measures to monitor their performance regularly. I’d like to put in a word here, never use disposable in the office, use recycled printer cartridges and rechargeable batteries. That’s especially important. We should involve all office staff into our cost saving plan, for example, we should ask staff members to turn off the wholesale nfl jerseys air-conditioners half an hour before they leave the office, so as to cut some electricity bills. You are right. To make sure that our staff voluntarily comply with the overheads expenditure reduction rules, we can include that in our staff appraisals, I mean whether staff members are supportive in our overheads reductions production project. I agree. And we can also award those who are most supportive in our project.


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We should also provide our shift workers with training programs to help them better adjust to this requirement. We should inform them of the harmful effects of night shifts and give them tips on how to prevent and fight off these hazards. We can arrange health specialists to give them training courses and provide online consultancy service for the nike shox tl1 convenience of our shift workers. And I think we should also provide psychological consultancy just in case they get too stressed. We need to help them to cope with night shift blues. It’s also important to provide some nutritious food during the evening and night shifts.
That is a good idea. On top of that, we can provide workers with health facilities to encourage them to do more exercises. That’s just what I want to say.

If we keep our equipment operating round the clock, we will be able to use our productive equipment to its fullest potential, that would help to optimize the production process. You see, improved productivity translates directly to higher profits.
It’s certainly of great importance. Employee’s well-being and security should be the first priority of the management. nike shox tl3 When shift workers are fully aware of the hazards, they will take better care of themselves.
In my opinion, it’s a must in this highly competitive age. Employees often become stressful and develop health problems. Management should provide health counseling facilities to help improve the physical and mental health of the staff and boost their morale. A company can not  possibly provide everything to its employees. As health counseling facilities are available anywhere, employees can readily go to them after work. But it’s good for companies to provide information about these facilities. Poor working conditions add to the strain of shift work. Adequate lighting, nike shox oz clean air, proper heat, air-conditioning and reduced noise will help to reduce the shiftworker’s burden. Physical exercises are extremely important for night shift workers. Jogging, walking, cycling or swimming will help them to relax and to minimize stress. You see, shift work disrupts the body rhythm and is very harmful to your health.

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Efficiency of production line is another important thing to consider. When introducing a production line, it is important to consult an ergonomics specialist and see that it’s user-friendly and will not cause too much physical stress and strain.nike shox for sale Meanwhile, workers should get fully-trained to work more efficiently on the line Measures should also be taken to eliminate waste On top of that, management should develop good benefit system to boost the morale of the workers.

You company would like to introduce shift work operation to optimize the production process. You have been asked to help co-ordinate the project. When introducing shift work, the most important thing is to work out good work schedules.nike shox r2 I think we can divide our twenty-four hour operation into three shifts: day shift, evening shift and night shift. And we’ll have the permanent schedule. It’s tough to work at night.but once you get used to it, it’s easier to fight off the nigh-time fatigue.
I partly agree with you. I mean “the three shirts” is a good idea, but I think it would be better if we adopt the rotating schedule. Shift-work disrupts the body rhythm and is very stressful. Besides, it affects home life, the night shift worker is out of step with his family. That’s the problem. Night shifts really affect our health conditions. nike shox r3 So, you are right, the rotating schedule has more advantages over the fixed schedule. So we will adopt rotating schedule three shifts and the day shift is from 8:00 am to 5 pm with a lunch-break, and evening shift, 5 pm to 1 am including coffee breaks. 

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It‘s paramount in cost control. The cost accountant can prepare budgets and give a prognosis for the project. His advice is essential in deciding whether to undertake or abandon the planned project.
Customer service can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Good customer relationship helps to improve your company image and boost sales. nike air  max 2011 mesh As a result, large-scale production will be cost effective for our company.

I think staff training is extremely important nowadays. You see, technologies keep changing and if employees get regular training, they would be able to work more efficiently. It’s the competence of the workforce that sharpens the competitive edge of the company. It expect it will head towards more cost-efficient methods, involving more parties in the process of the production: not only corporate management and staff, but also suppliers, retailers and even customers. In cost management, it’s important to cut down the cost of raw materials, as to a large extent, nike air max 2011 leather it helps to determine the product prices. Cost-conscious companies always seek to work with good suppliers who can offer quality raw material with reasonable prices. Low quality materials from suppliers are usually a waste of money. 


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Sharing with your boss your new ideas about work is very important. This is where you can really show your mettle. Most bosses appreciate such initiative and will respect you for that. I think it will be helpful if employees get nike air max 2011 chances to attend training courses on interpersonal skills. Such training will enable them to communicate more effectively.
First of all, I think it’s important to clearly state your overall purpose and expectations. In this way, employees know exactly what they should do to meet work requirements and to achieve performance excellence. In addition to this, providing feedback nike air max for sale on there performance is also important. On the managerial part, performance reviews help managers to keep track of possible problems in their own work. On the part of the employees, the get encouragement for their hard work and are given chances to correct mistakes made on the job.
Besides, managers should be more open in sharing information with their subordinates. They should let employees know in advance any proposed changes before they actually occur. This will enhance mutual understanding and trust.
Your company would like to introduce an E-mail newsletter to send to all staff members regularly. You have been asked to help co-ordinate the project. Discuss the situation together and decide: What kind of articles and information should be included. nike air max 2012 What the newsletter should look like and how often it should be sent. Our company is designing an E-mail newsletter for all staff member. It certainly is a very good channel for internal communication.
What information should be included? It should carry articles about the tangible performance standards for staff to follow, and information about any changes in the company, such as new policies, new projects and new managers, etc. This will help to reduce the chance for confusion and misinterpretation of key corporate policies and decisions. nike air max+ 2011 I am quite with you here. Information of this kind will help staff member better adjust themselves to the work environment and achieve higher level of performance. There should also be information about the latest achievement about the latest achievements of the company as well. I agree with you. And about annual performance reviews and staff appraisals, just to reward hardworking people and look at problems in work.

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There are three primary channels for communicating with employees. Nokia people magazine is published in the four most common languages in Nokia: English, Finnish, Chinese and German. nike shox nz Nokia news service offers daily online news form around the organization, and the Intranet contains a vast amount of detailed company information.

The most popular communication methods include: face-to-face communication, E-mails, telephone, notice-boards, etc. Nowadays, the intranet is a very effective method of communication.

Yes. I think I’m quite good at communicating with people. nike shox nz mens Whenever I have some new ideas or resentment about my work, I will talk to my boss face to face. I’m very frank and open-minded, ready to accept different opinions.

I am afraid I am not really very good at communicating with people. You see, I am  not a very out-going person, and I feel so nervous every time I talk to other people, particularly my boss. I think it is very important. You see, I often make nike shox nz womens suggestions to my boss about internal development, and discuss areas I would like to improve on. In this way, I am contributing to the overall improvement of the company. 

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Nokia is committed to a strong internal communications culture and practice. Its broad range of communications activities, channels and media strive to help employees managage and use corporate information they receive in their work and organizational relationships and in doing so, nike free run+ be fully engaged in the delivery of the company’s strategy and the Nokia Way.

Nokia promotes a culture where good communications practice is integrated into every day interaction with and between employees and where shared vision and goals, shared knowledge , openness, speed and integrity are paramount.

The company measures its performance in internal communications through the company-wide annual employee opinion survey as well as targeted surveys around specific communications activities. nike free run+ running shoes Nokia is putting in place an audience-driven communications approach to meet the diverse needs of its employees for information and communication, with emphasis on segmentation, customization and choice of access. This work is supported by the development and use of common and integrated platforms and processes nike free which will encourage cost efficiency in the use of internal and external resources and adoption over time of digital media. 


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In the eyes of the public, a clearly defined company image is the identity of the company. It reflects the quality of their product or service. So a good company image enhances public recognition and increase popularity will translate into great trading volume and profits. adidas porsche design Brand image is an integrated part of marketing strategy. Although the success of a marketing campaign is determined by product quality, budget and some other factors, brand image is the only thing companies could use to sway the buyer’s mood and to drive people to your business. When selecting a logo design, the company’s image and target audience should be put high on the priority list. adidas porsche design sl The logo should reflect the cultural values the company upholds, and be attractive to the targeted potential customers. Of course, cost is another factor to be considered. I think a logo represents a company and its products or services. If the logo is successful, it captures the personality of the company, sculpts and reinforces the company image. Besides, the logo is the most central marketing tool as it is used consistently and repeatedly. 


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Its very important for a company to monitor the quality of service. If customers are not satisfied with the company's  services, then the company will lose customers. I think one way of monitoring the quality of services is to obtain feedback from customers to see how the business Nike air max 2011 has met customers expectation.

We should know where our company has fallen short in providing value for customers We can visit our customers, call them, send out written questionnaires and set up a hot line for customers to air their opinion about our services.
Our company would like to design a new Company celebration programme to facilitate both internal and external communications. You have been asked to help draft the programme. You see, we need to help work out a celebration programme nike air max for our company. I think it's very important to make a detailed plan about what events to be celebrated. Successful cooperate rituals and celebrations are important ways of corporate communications. They help to bond people together and connect people to shared values and vision. So a well designed corporate celebration pragramme will benefit a company greatly.Yes. But as there is a wide variety of situations that we can celebrate , nike air max womens we have to focus on the most worthy ones. In my opinion, we can keep the cyclical celebrations, as they are more fixed, I mean, they come every year, like company anniversaries, Christmas, new year's days, etc. Celebrations of this kind help to relieve work pressure. 

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Mutual trust is the first secret of unsuccessfully teamwork. When members share a trusting relationship, they will feel free to express their views, understand each other’s capabilities and limitations and communicate with each other timely. adidas porsche design sport golf This helps to bring out the potential, experience and creativity of the individual and create good work environment.

Full co-operation among team members has a direct impact on the success of failure of the team. When team members develop a strong awareness of cooperation, they would make collective efforts to achieve the common objectives and ensure a higher level of quality and workmanship. adidas porsche design sport golf s2 On top of that, timely communication and decision making will also help to improve work efficiency.

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I like working in a team, as the proverb goes: “Two heads are better than one”. In a team, I can learn from my fellow workers, get help from them when I’m under pressure. And the most important thing is: I can learn to communicate with all sorts of people. adidas devotion pb I prefer to work on my own. In a team, you often have to give up some individuality in order for the team to function as a whole. It doesn’t allow you to have independent thinking. And as group decision-making usually takes longer time, working in a team is not necessarily efficient. Its very important. You need someone with managerial skills to lead within the team: He is able to see the big picture of the work going on, to engage others, coordinate interpersonal relationship and organize resources effectively.adidas pb shoes I prefer to work in a small team.  A small team is more closely knit, members know each other well and can cooperate with each other more effectively. I prefer to work in a big team. You see, when you work with more people, you get a chance to listen to different points of view, to learn to see thing in different perspectives. It’s also more challenging as you have to coordinate with more people.
Yes, I think it’s absolutely necessary. Regular meetings can enable team members to keep track of work progress and it’s a means adidas devotion pb for sale of considering information and making collective decisions.
No, I think having meetings regularly is somewhat like a matter of routine. It’s time-consuming and meetings should take place only when necessary. 

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People in every workplace talk about building the team, working as a team, and my team, but few understand how to create the experience of teamwork or how to develop an effective team. Belonging to a team, in the broadest sense, adidas titan bounce is a result of feeling of part of something larger than yourself. It has a lot to do with your understanding of the mission of objectives of your organization.

In a team-oriented environment, you contribute to the overall success of the organization. You work with fellow members of the organizations to produce these results. Even though you have a specific job function and you belong to a specific department, you are unified with other organization members to accomplish the overall objectives.  The bigger picture drives your actions. adidas titan bounce 2011 Your function exists to serve the bigger picture.
Therefore, executive, managers and organization staff members universally explore ways to improve business results and profitability. Many view team-based, horizontal organization structures as the best design for involving all employees in creating business success. Successful team building requires attention to each of the following Twelve CS.

Clear Expectations: Do team member understand why the team was created?
Context: Can team members define their team’s importance to the organization and to their own career? 

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Competence: Does the team feel that its member have the knowledge, skill and capability to address the issues for which the team was formed
Charter: Has the team taken its assigned area of responsibility and designed its own mission, vision and strategies to accomplish the mission?
Control: Do team member hold each other accountable for project timelines, commitment, and results?
Collaboration: adidas titan bounce womens running shoes Do team members cooperate to accomplish the team charter?
Communication: Do team members communicate clearly and honestly with each other?
Creative Innovation Does the team value creative thinking, unique solutions, and new ideas?
Consequences: Is the organization designing reward systems that recognize both team and individual performance?
Coordination: Are team coordinated by a central leadership that assists the groups to obtain what they need for success?
Cultural change: 2011 adidas titan  Does the organization recognize that the more it can change its climate to support teams, the more it will receive in pay back from the work of the teams?
Spend time and attention on each of these twelve tips to ensure your work teams contribute more effectively to your business success. 


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You are managers with a business hotel which is suffering from high vacancy rate. You have been asked to recommend ways to improve the situation and attract more business travelers. Discuss and decide together. What are possible reasons behind the situation? Which measure can be taken to improve the situation. Our hotel is not doing well recently. Asics Mexico 66 Deluxe Not many people come and the vacancy rate is high. I think there are many reasons for this. But the main reason is that we’ve got a new rival. A brand new hotel has opened up in the area which has got a bit of an edge as it splurges on to complete with us. That could be a major reason. Besides, the other two existing hotels are also racking brainers to compete for business clientele, by undercutting and introducing attractive offers. There are reasons from outside. Looking at reasons from within, Asics Mexico 66 mens  there are complaints about out-of-date facilities and services. Something should be done before things become any worse. To improve the situation, I think the key point is to take some effective measures to make the hotel really stand out in this highly competitive market. One think I’m thinking of is that we may introduce schemes such as a health club where business travelers are given massages and health treatments, workouts and a range of services such as psychological consultancy to combat stress.Asics Mexico 66 womens By doing this, I believe there will be a considerable rise in the number of business bookings when companies want their people to take a pro work break when travelling. When they come back they can become fitter to do even more for the company and the company will be happy to send their people to our hotel. We have to do something on each of our business rooms. We should upgrade their facilities with modem connections for laptop competitors and other business-oriented amenities such as multi-line phone with voicemail and fax machine to make it more convenient for business travelers. As to improving our service, I think details have to be attended to. Asics Onitsuka Tiger Mexico 66 We should get to know our customers and their special interests better, offering customized services to pamper our business guests wanting a higher level of comfort and service to make their stay un unforgettable experience. In this way, I’m sure the present situation will be improved.

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In choosing a hotel to stay on business travels, workout facilities are an important factor to consider. This should never be underrated. As we know, a rapid growth in business travel has let to increasing travel-related stress o n hard-working business travelers. Asics Onitsuka Tiger It is important for them to get a bit of relaxation and exercise when travelling so that they can be well rested and become fitter to accomplish their business tasks well. So hotels with nice athletic facilities should e on the list of choice.      
Size of the hotel can sometimes be important. In the first place, larger hotels usually offer centralized and off-premises reservation systems and information about flights, currency exchange, as well as courtesy coach service to the airport,  which is convenient for business travelers. Asics Mexico 66 Lauta Also, a large hotel will give your visitors a better impression of your company. But of course, if you don’t have to meet visitors, you may just as well choose a small and nice hotel to reduce travel costs.

Another factor to consider is location. A nicely located hotel with good transport connections can make your business trip more efficient and free from fatigue.

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Where you choose to stay on your business travels should at least help you get your work done. You may choose to stay in a hotel at a central business district with good transport connections for the convenience of business meetings and talks with your clients,  or you may stay in a nicely located hotel which offers easy access to good restaurants and major airline offices for better entertainment of your of your clients and easy arrangement of your trips. Asics Gel Kayano 17 Facilities provided are another important factor to consider. The hotel you choose should come equipped to handle standard business needs, such as cordless telephones, voice mail, Internet access, data/fax modem ports and meeting rooms as well as CD/clock radios to awaken you I n the morning with nature sounds.

Other non-business related services are also important, such as same-day dry-cleaning and workout facilities. They can make your business trip as worthwhile and pleasure as possible.

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You know your company is considering introducing a Green Travel Plan for our staff. A great Idea. This is one of our company’s efforts to work towards reducing the environmental and congestion impact. There are indeed many advantages to do so. Asics Gel Kinsei 2 To start with, setting up a car share database and actively promoting car sharing will reduce demand for parking spaces and reduce our company’s car packing costs. And the employees will benefit too. Car sharers will no doubt save a lot on a yearly basis. And the environment will be cleaner. The plan is also good fro staff health and the overall performance of company. Employees who cycle to work lose fewer days because of illness and arrive at work feeling more alert. The plan will enhance our company’s image and make a positive contribution towards curbing noise and air pollution in the area. Asics Gel Kinsei 2 running shoes What measures shall we take to ensure that the plan is carried out smoothly. In my opinion, before we decide which measures to implement, a survey should be carried out first. We have to know about modes of transport used by our staff, their travel origins and destinations and the difficulties to sustainable transport. And after that, based on the results of the survey, we may take some measures, such as setting up car share database and priority parking spaces for car share vehicles to encourage car pools. And we may offer subsidized travel passes for people taking public transport. For those who have to use cards, we can encourage them to move to cleaner and less polluting fuel for offering subsidies. In addition, bicycle stands should be secured and bicycle access improved. Asics running shoes We may also offer flexible working schemes such as teleworking to enable some staff to work from home one to more days of the week. And compress working week so that we can work fewer days in the office. I believe all this will work and be rewarding. 

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I choosing transport for a business trip, comfort is a very important factor to consider. Comfort means being physically relaxed and contented, free from worries and unhappiness. Asics Gel Stratus 2.1 With comfortable transport, you can stretch out, lie back, and even get some sleep during the trip so that you can arrive well rested and ready for your work. This is vital for the success of your business.

Cost-effectiveness is also important. You have to consider the cost that may occur when you choose transport for your business trip. It is advisable not to choose a transport whose cost is beyond your budget, since expensive transport can inevitably increase the costs even before you do your business, Asics Running Shoes which can even stop you from meeting your targets. You should never know this kind of cost to ruin your whole business.

Convenience is another factor to consider. Convenient transport can help you make your trip easy, efficient and free from fatigue.

This article comes from http://www.jersey-trainers.com